Shipping and Delivery Policy

Shipping and Delivery Policy

Delivery Across India:
We offer delivery services across India to ensure our customers nationwide can access our premium products.

Shipping Charges:
Shipping charges vary based on product type and delivery location. The specific shipping cost will be calculated at the checkout.

Non-Returnable Policy:
Once delivered, products cannot be returned. We strive for accuracy in product descriptions to meet your expectations.

Damaged Products:
If a product is returned as damaged after delivery, we do not issue refunds. Damages that occur during shipping are not taken into account by Thalir RGA Enterprises.

Shipping Timeline:
Once the product is ordered, the shipment will be delivered as per the shipping address, For Chennai- 2 days, Tamil Nadu- 3days, South India- 3 days And North region and other part of India – 5 days.

For any queries or concerns regarding shipping and delivery, please contact us at

Last Updated: 06-02-2024

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